About us

Nasime Homaye Salamat
Nassime Homay Salamat (NHS) Co. is an Import and distributor of medical equipment, tools and consumables, which was officially established in 2016 and started its activities. The company is always trying to keep pace with the technologies by using medical engineering specialists and senior consultants of engineering systems and research and development, with knowledge of technology and technical knowledge in various fields and using human capital and scientific marketing. Move the world day by day and transfer the technical knowledge to the country, to improve the quality of treatment and the health of the society.
In order to communicate with the customer and fulfill the customer-oriented slogan, by investing in human capital and designing the correct methods and work processes, we have created a suitable platform for transmitting the customer's voice to different levels of the organization and consider ourselves responsible.
The company operates in the form of sales units, after-sales service, training, consulting in equipping medical centers and service and maintenance.
Consulting purchasing products and services
You can get advice from us to buy products as well as quality services for free.